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Bandcamp: It’s not just for music geeks.

I’ve been attempting to ramp up some hype about my band’s new album, which we’ll be recording in just a few short weeks. In order to do so, I decided that it was time I made the rounds with our first record one more time. As it happens, another band...

Meanwhile, in the other universe…

I don’t normally do posts about personal stuff. I’m not sure why. No one else writes on this blog … it belongs to me, so why not make it personal? Well, here we go – a bit of a personal update from yours truly. A lot of changes have come about...

Feist: The Oblivious Tribe Leader

I’ve been spending some time listening to the audiobook version of Tribes: We Need You To Lead by Seth Godin. In the book, Godin talks about how people inside organizations and around the world are all connected, and need to be connected by tribes. These tribes...