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Enter the Apple Fanboy… sort of.

It’s my first week as a Mac owner and I can tell you so far it’s been a hell of a lot of fun. I don’t know why I didn’t buy one ages ago. Oh yeah, the crippling hole it put in my wallet, that’s right. But this time around I had some extra...

Get Your (Live) Act Together, Regina

I recently spent the week traveling around Saskatchewan for business – I hit up Saskatoon, Watrous, Regina, Yorkton and Melville over four days and saw clients large and small. I trek west for work every couple of months and every time I leave Winnipeg I am...

The Fates Taunt Me

It’s been several days since I vowed not to drink beer for a year, and since I ran the gauntlet on my first beerless outing. Now, through either some karmic retribution or just horrible coincidence, or both, the universe seems to be repeatedly kicking me in the...

A Year Without Beer: The Squeakuel

It’s been two days since I made a vow to myself not to drink beer for an entire year. I’m not going to make this the entire focus of the blog from now on, but I will post occasional updates on how strong my will is. Beer is delicious, but I am hoping I...

2010: A Year Without Beer

Lately, due to what can only be described as a disgusting holiday sugar-and-carbohydrate binge, I’ve found myself having trouble fitting into pants, wearing my favourite t-shirts, and generally not looking and feeling like slimer of the Ghostbusters or maybe...

New Year, New Posting Strategy

I am going to post something at least once every two days in 2010, starting today. It won’t always be awesome, but it will be something. That is my promise to myself and to whoever else finds this stuff! Consistency is so important in the blogging/social media...