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It’s Kindergarten Eve. Here are my thoughts.

Tomorrow, my son Adam will take his first step into a larger world. Much to my chagrin, he’s not becoming a Jedi (yet), but he is attending his first day of kindergarten. Adam, his mom and I met with his teacher a few days ago, forked over some cash for supplies...

The Scariest Cry You’ve Ever Heard is Right on The Horizon

Casey Liss on Tuesday wrote a story on his site about an incredibly trying time in the life of every parent of an infant – when your baby is sick, inconsolable and you feel helpless. I am no stranger to this feeling; when Adam was a wee baby, he had bouts of...
First Post of the Year, Let’s See How This Goes.

First Post of the Year, Let’s See How This Goes.

Well, hello, 2015. I guess this means I graduated from high school 15 years ago. I never had a ten-year reunion, or if there was one, I didn’t care and missed it. I still see the people I went to high school with every once in a while, and Facebook is a thing...
The Joys of Fatherhood

The Joys of Fatherhood

I had a wonderful magical dream before becoming a father that I’d be the guy who used technology to its full potential in child-rearing, and that I’d be the guy with all the answers. Just pull out my iPhone and fire up a couple trusty apps with baby info,...