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Local Hair Replacement Clinic Ad Inspired By QR Code Resume

Remember Victor Petit’s totally awesome QR code resume? The one that made you feel pretty insignificant, regardless of your perfect typesetting and leather-bound portfolio? Yeah, he did a pretty clever thing. I wonder if it got him a job. Well, I guess someone...

BlackBerry PlayBook: Will The Media Kill It?

I’ve been reading a lot of reviews on RIM’s recently-released BlackBerry PlayBook and it’s not looking good. Most reviewers agree that the PlayBook’s UI is shiny and its ability to display pages with flash components is a plus. But that seems...

Enter the Apple Fanboy… sort of.

It’s my first week as a Mac owner and I can tell you so far it’s been a hell of a lot of fun. I don’t know why I didn’t buy one ages ago. Oh yeah, the crippling hole it put in my wallet, that’s right. But this time around I had some extra...

Coppeneur and the Fine Art of Chocolate Tasting

Christmas is coming up, and I have been thinking about what to buy my parents and other relatives. While probing the web for ideas, I came across the North American arm of a fine chocolate maker based out of Germany called Coppeneur. Before I give some of this stuff...

Feist: The Oblivious Tribe Leader

I’ve been spending some time listening to the audiobook version of Tribes: We Need You To Lead by Seth Godin. In the book, Godin talks about how people inside organizations and around the world are all connected, and need to be connected by tribes. These tribes...

Brands Belong to YOU

So, I’ve been working on some freelance stuff lately, doing website designs and copywriting while I wait for news to come about some more steady employment. Freelancing is fun because you can do it on your schedule and being your own boss has its own special...